
Since 1992 and thousands upon thousands of lives saved, we know we could not do it without our volunteers, sponsors and generous donors who support L.I.F.E Animal Rescue.

Volunteers are vital to our success and we couldn’t carry out our work without their dedication and support. We would love for you to join our volunteer program and welcome any commitment you are able to offer – however great or small. Find out how you can make a difference and become part of our effort to save lives

Volunteering is a very gratifying experience. When you donate your time, you will be able to participate in, and experience the transformation of an animal that has been dumped or abandoned and left to fend for itself, into a loving friend who is ready to be adopted by caring people willing to make him or her a forever part of their family.

High School Community Service Hours


Any student coming on Saturday for community service hours must sign in at the below link in an available slot and complete the below waiver and bring it with you.  Once the slots are filled, additional volunteers will not be accepted.   Signups open every Thursday at 10 am for the upcoming Saturday.

Waiver to volunteerUpdatedHoldHarmlessLIFEResq

Dog Volunteers

Adult volunteers are needed every Saturday at our adoption sites to sit with a dog that is up for adoption. Also during the week we need adult volunteers at our rescue center to exercise our dogs and provide lots of love and attention. If you can help with cleaning the dogs living areas that is even better!! We also need volunteers to clean the dogs living areas on Saturdays while they are away at adoptions.

Cat Volunteers

Volunteers (18 yrs and over) are needed to help clean cat cages (mornings or evenings) at our rescue center.

Contact Us for more information

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